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15 seconds


2 years ago


This is six minute abs, advanced system number one. You'll love this bodyweight program that is crunch, sit-up, and cardio free and will help you get a flat stomach with six pack abs.

Now, even though this program doesn't have the traditional crunches or sit-ups in it, you'll still find that this ab workout trains your abs as hard as any workout program before.

In this workout system, you are going to do six exercises in a circuit, and then you are going to rest for one minute and then repeat the circuit one more time for a total of six minutes.

So, to start, you'll begin with the stability ball jackknife exercise. Place your elbows on a bench, your feet on the ball, and your body in a straight line. Next, brace your abs and bring your knees into your chest, and then slowly back out. Repeat.

The next exercise in the circuit is for abdominal endurance and is the side plank. So, position your body on its side resting your body on your elbow. Be sure to keep your body in a straight line and your hips forward with your abs braced. Hold and then switch sides and repeat.

Once you've finished the side plank exercise, move immediately into the stability ball mountain climber. So, with your hands on the ball, abs braced and your body in a straight line, bring your knee up to your chest and then back out. Alternate sides.

The fourth exercise in this abdominal circuit is the X-body mountain climber. To start, get in the push-up position. Next, bring your knee across to your opposite elbow and then back out. Alternate sides.

Immediately from the mountain climbers you'll go into a plank with elbows on the stability ball. If you want to make this exercise a little more difficult then move your elbows forward.

The last exercise to finish off this six minute ab circuit is the stability ball rollout. So, kneeling on a mat, place your hands on the ball in front while keeping your body in a straight line. Next, roll out and stretch, and then contract to come back in.

Now that you've made it through the circuit, rest 30 seconds and then go through it one more time for 6-minute abs.

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