2-28-23 The Beetlejuice is Loose

2 years ago

Goodbye Lori Lightfoot, Chicago does not want you anymore. For good reason too. Don’t make the same mistake again windy city…

Former FDA official, current Georgetown University Health Law Professor, and former Republican nominee for US Senate, Rik Mehta, is here to discuss New York lifting some of the last draconian COVID mandates

Jamie Hinkle from Moms for Liberty is here. She’s chapter chair for Fauquier county, Virginia. Her Chapter has been working with school board to develop a policy for vetting books for appropriateness. She’s also working to establish transparency in the district budget. The middle schools are implementing a new SEL program. The chapter has been working to inform and educate their elected officials about SEL. Perhaps the most interesting thing is their superintendent and his hunger to use his hatred for the parent movement to launch his new book, and a public speaking endeavor.

Back from the Dead
Join us March 3rd at Oakridge High School and let loose with Zauntee, DJ Winn and other local Christian hip hop artists. We got music, food, contests, prizes and giveaways for the entire family – so you don’t want to miss this event! www.aliveorlando.org

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