GUIA DE CONQUISTAS | The Pizza Delivery Boy Who Saved the World

1 year ago

Valores do jogo:

Xbox - R$ 23,61 -

Playstation - R$ 31,90 -

Guia abaixo:


Transition - None
Skip - All Messages
After Choices - keep skiping
Auto forward time - tudo
Text Speed - tudo

Start New Game
- Pule a caixa de texto inicial que precisa ser digitado

Yes, sir.
Andrews Street
Make small talk.
Constitution Avenue
Leave the delivery for the other driver.
Try to deliver the pizza.
Report him to the boss.
Constitution Avenue.
Okay. I'm sorry.
Uh, no. I just got here.
Check the kitchen real quick.
Confront him directly.
Engage her in small talk.
Ask Mr. Ahmi.
Help out in the kitchen.
Yes, I remember you well.
Dodgers Street
Call the store.
Building A, B and C.
Try again.
Pizza 1
Droo Drive
Cut in half.
Cut in thirds.
Cut in half.
Cut in thirds.
Cut in half.
Cut in thirds.
Cut each slice in half.
Cut in half.
Cut in thirds.
Cut each slice in half.
Report him.
Make the pizzas yourself.
Believe him.
Check the data is accurate?
Go for it.
It doesn't work like that.
Don't answer.
Big Byte
Call the police.
Tell the truth.
Go back in time again.

Faça o Save 1

Carregue o Save 1
Leave promptly.

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