Mysterious Ancient Civilizations, Cultures & the Forgotten History of the Earth… 3-Hour Special

1 year ago

Mysterious Ancient Civilizations, Cultures & the Forgotten History of the Earth… 3-Hour Special
Lore, Myth and Legends of Ancient Hero's, Demi-gods and Knights
Premiered 14 hours ago
In this 3-hour special, we will explore Mysterious Ancient Civilizations & Cultures, some of them you have heard about, some are lesser known:
The Mysterious Ancient Invaders of Ireland and Medieval Entities Strange Invaders and the Mystical Locations of Ireland Egyptian Turin King Lists May Give Clues To A Lost Civilization 10 Amazing Facts About the Nile Without Which the Ancient Egyptian Civilization May Never Have Existed.
Anunnaki: Ancient Sites, and the Gateways to Other Worlds Mysterious Norse Gods and The Anunnaki Connection Rise & Fall of the Mighty Viking… The Artifacts, Norse Gods, and the Magical Sunstone Collapse of Many Ancient Civilizations was Caused by the Mysterious People of the Sea
The Incredible Lifespan of the Anunnaki was 331,000 Years The Incredible Technological Ingenuity of the Maya Civilization
These Discoveries in Peru Simply Cannot Be Explained Only Very Few Are Allowed to Visit these Forbidden Places
18,000-Year-Old Discovery Shows Someone Was in the Americas Before The Clovis Culture
The Nommo - E.T Guides of the Dogon Tribe New Research Reveals Mysteries of Ancient Maltese Civilization The Discovery of the First Europeans
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