ManTFup Podcast - Episode 1

1 year ago

WELCOME TO THE MANTFUP PODCAST!!! Episode one is an introduction to our two main hosts. Lenny the self-proclaimed "Dinosaur" of the show gives some backstory on the ManTFUp brand, which he created, and also explains why he wanted to create a cut the crap community where people could come together to speak their piece. KimmyB discusses her motivation for joining the ManTFUp Squad after an 18year career in mainstream Radio and TV. Lenny and KimmyB are ready to take it to the next level, as they invite friends, business people, celebrities, athletes, entertainers, and influencers to join them in sometimes controversial but ALWAYS entertaining conversations about whatever TF they want 'cuz it's time to ManTFUp.

As always you can find the ManTFup Podcast on all streaming platforms and on our website at! Don't forget to subscribe and follow us!


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