NFTs Explained for Beginners | What are Non-Fungible Tokens and How do They Work?

2 years ago

This video describes the meaning of NFTs in simple and understandable language, simpler words, making it easier for people to understand. It focuses on What are NFTs and how do they work? How do you create, buy, and sell an NFT? What types of NFTs are there and can you make money with NFTs? All these questions on Non-Fungible Tokens and more are covered in this beginner’s guide video. We also discuss popular projects in the space as well such as decentraland, cryptopunks, crypto strikers, crypto celebs, crypto kitties, and more!

NFTs blew up in popularity in 2021, but as the digital age continues to grow more expansive, NFTs will continue to be present in the virtual world and offer an exciting opportunity for financially savvy investors.

0:00 – Intro
0:29 – What is an NFT?
1:13 – How do NFTs work?
2:11 – Types of NFTs
2:55 – How to create an NFT
3:46 – How to buy and sell NFTs
4:29 – Popular NFT projects
5:18 – The future of NFTs

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