What the CIA, Mossad, MI6 are doing in Africa (Covertly taking over the continent)

1 year ago

My Name is Rhys Beaumont Cotten.
I live in Anfield Village, Pinelands, Cape Town.
GoReefers is owned by the CIA and they want me dead becasue I saw too much while I worked there. The group targeting me has access to the western advanced Electronic Warfare system and they were tasked with making me look crazy then they were going to murder me.
There are currently western spies in my Complex that are targeting me and the CIA told them they have to make my murder look like a suicide.
I have survived over a year of the west trying to kill me and the only reason that I am alive is because they cant reveal that the CIA, MI6, Mossad, French, German control South Africa from the shadows by using the government department the GCIS.
Terry Vandayar is a CIA spy and he is the head of the GCIS, he walked through my complex and stared me down before he sent a gang to kill me.
The people trying to kill me work for GoReefers and GoReefers is owned by the DOD. They are using this company to make enough money to fund their war that they created in Ukraine.
The GCIS in South Africa is directly involved in the war in Ukraine as I found a document that was linked to the domain that the GCIS use and they were targeting Russian and Ukrainian servers.

I have done my research and know everything about these people and I have been trying to feed their enemies intelligence that they can use. The US Military have me connected to the DOD information system and they control all the traffic from all of my devices.
I'm using this account to see if it is controlled as well.

If you have questions I can answer anything that you could ask because I have spent 6 years studying the system used against me.

I will not lie and everything is taken from my perspective but I know way more than I should or I wouldn't be on a US military network.

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