grilled chicken leg

1 year ago

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▶️ Recipe (measuring rice spoon)
1️⃣Season 500g of chicken leg meat with rice wine, salt and pepper
2️⃣Apply a little cooking oil and grill the chicken thigh skin side first.
3️⃣Wipe off the oil and bake with a piece of butter, 5 pieces of garlic, and peperoncino
4️⃣Put in a handful of red pepper (80g), seasoning (1.5 oyster sauce, 3 thick soy sauce, 1.5 sugar, 3 honey, 1 minced garlic, 70-100ml water) and boil it back and forth
5️⃣Turn off the light when the soup is somewhat self-sufficient
▶️If you like the peppers to be well-cooked, start from the beginning, or if you want a crunchy texture, put them in the back and simmer.

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