Trudeau Bad, China Bad?

1 year ago

For the Freedom Movement, what does it matter if a Chinese billionaire funds Trudeau’s election bid by donating money to his father’s Foundation?

The Globe and Mail dropped a bomb this morning with a report that CSIS has uncovered a plan that a Chinese diplomat would reimburse a billionaire $1 million if he made a private donation to the Pierre Trudeau Foundation.

Has the Globe and Mail ever lied to us before? I’ll just leave that out there …

According to the story, (and I do use the word “story” in the original meaning of the word), an unnamed “national security source” claims CSIS has captured a conversation between an unnamed Chinese commercial attaché at an unnamed location. Uh-huh … my mom overheard the neighbour’s dog say that he saw a guy steal a box of Cheerios from a store, not sure which one, but he thinks it might have been a 7-11 … The Globe and Mail cannot reveal its unnamed sources because he/she/they “risk prosecution under the Security of Information Act.”

CSIS agents are leaking top secret classified national security intel to the Globe and Mail because _______ ?

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