What is unification in the Creative Society project

1 year ago

To move away from the consumerist, bestial format of relationships, where lies and slander rule, we need to build a bridge for the transition to a new society where Truth and Love reign. And this bridge must be built from the solid rock of people's unanimous will and joint action. This bridge is the Creative Society which stands on 8 Pillars.

The Eight Pillars of the Creative Society are the Pillars of the new bridge. However, two of the Pillars cause some misunderstanding among people.

In this video you will find out:
What are these Pillars?
Why does the limitation of capitalization cause the most outrage?
Who opposes these limitations?
Why do the oligarchs understand the need to limit capitalization?
What benefits does it bring them?
Why is the issue of unification even more repulsive than the limitation of capitalization?
What does unification mean in the Creative Society?

Unification of people for building the Creative Society is about valuing each person's life, improving its quality and security. If we all want to live in a safe world, where human life is valued more than anything else, this is the basis on which we need to unite.

And today we, people living on planet Earth, have one goal - to implement the Creative Society project as soon as possible to save the planet and humanity from the impending cataclysms and start LIVING.

Watch the full version of the video "Creative Society. Questions and Answers", an excerpt of which is presented in this video.

"Creative Society. Questions and Answers":

Global Crises. We Are People. We Want to Live | International Online Forum 07.05.2022:

Global Crisis. Time for the Truth | International Online Conference 04.12.2021:

" Creative Society Unites Everyone":

The official website of the Creative Society International Project:

Join a team of volunteers of Creative Society: https://creativesociety.com/join-us
Join our Telegram Channel & Stay up to date: https://t.me/creativesociety_en

#unification #benefitsforpeople

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