Book Burning At Our Time

2 years ago

Some years ago, James Corbett seriously discussed about the book burning of our time which has been going on at a large scale without much notice.

The Library of Alexandria is on Fire

Recently, one of our readers, John in his comment wanted to know more about the “other side story” of Albert Einstein and that of Nicola Tesla. I have tried my best to look for a particular article in a particular website I had read some 20 years (twenty) ago to no avail.

That particularly article is about how the international Jews, with money and “influence,” (or rather control I would say) groomed Einstein and “created” a “genius” while crushing and destroying a real true genius Nicola Tesla who lit the world and tried to provide humanity with cheap even free energy (electricity) and with many more inventions. Nicola Tesla ended up dying poor and lonely while fake "genius” had it all.

I have noticed that many information and articles were available around 1998-2000 that are called “revisionism” or challenging the main stream / official narrative have been purged… or “burned” digitally! Even disappeared from or ridiculously controlled in “the way back machine”! I don’t have to tell you how many alternative-view and “revisionist” videos have been burned in Youtube and in other Video channels such as Vimeo, Dailymotion.

Here are some of such information I posted in my wordpress site:

“If Only History Were True: “A Few Historical Frauds: Einstein, Bell & Edison, Coca-Cola and the Wright Brothers” by Larry Romanoff

“NICOLAS TESLA cuộc đời PHÁT MINH và NHÀ NƯỚC MỸ (Tiếng Anh, Pháp, và Đức)

“Nikola Tesla’s 5 Lost Inventions That Threatened The Global Elite”

Last but not least. The story of GNU “Linux”.

“GNU, like Nicolas Tesla Before It, Has Been Ignored by The Indifferent Ignorant Ungrateful Population”

The “burning” since then has been ruthlessly intensifying as we’re all witnessing!

The worst “burning” of all is Governments around the world are making people fear to read “strange suspicious books” (i.e conspiracy theory, anti-jewishness articles/websites)

Please find time to visit this website and archive anything you are interested.

Everything is up to you now folks! We are living in a direst time in human history in which the whole humanity is in imminent peril!


1- Albert Einstein: The Incorrigible Plagiarist (book) by Christopher Jon Bjerknes

2- Einstein's Plagiarism of the General Theory of Relativity (book) by Christopher Jon Bjerknes

3-Was he a thief, a liar and a plagiarist? by Shimry Siddeeque

4- ALBERT EINSTEIN Plagiarist of the Century (book) By Richard Moody

5-Albert Einstein – was he a thief, a liar and a plagiarist? by Richard Moody

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