"The Golden Planet" With Sam Chong & Gail of Gaia on FREE RANGE

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Guest: Samuel Chong, Messenger
Certified court interpreter and Chinese translator, Samuel Chong was instrumental in arranging for the Chinese publication of Michel Desmarquet's book, Thiaoouba Prophecy, which has been a best-seller in both China and Taiwan, a rare phenomenon. He visited the author, Michel Desmarquet, in 2016 and 2018, and had a close working relationship with him. He also translated the book "334 ‰ Lies: The Revelation of H. M. v. Stuhl", an autobiography of the High Master of the Chair of a secret society that was started in Germany. Today, he dedicates his efforts in promoting the messages in these books in order to give people hope and to help promote a better world through his scholarship at https://www.chinasona.org/scholarship.html

Graduated from UC Berkeley with a BA in economics, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid with a MA in financial analysis, he currently resides in Los Angeles, California.

The Book: Thiaoouba Prophecy, a book of warnings from the ETs with an advanced civilization. The book details the author's unique experiences being invited to visit an extraterrestrial planet that has an advanced civilization, and he was informed of the history of earth, ancient civilizations (with ET visits), facts about reincarnation and afterlife, the construction and the purposes of the Great Pyramid, the statues on Easter Island, the Bermuda Triangle, aura and human energy fields, and the stories in the Bible vs. historical facts (how they parted the Sea of Reeds and the true origin of Jesus Christ) from their perspective, etc. The author, Michel Desmarquet, passed away in 2018.
The beautiful pictures I have been using lately are the amazing work of Jim Warren. Please see his website at https://jimwarren.com. We have an agreement! This picture is "Mother Nature's Little Helper"
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Be it known: All intel and comments are subject to change based on events and ever changing/increasing information drops that may or may not be in agreement with FREE RANGE and/or Gail of Gaia at the time of this presentation. Information is dynamic, cumulative and ever changing. Take what resonates and leave the rest behind. Please do your own research and use your own discernment. We do our best to present the truth as we know it at the time presented but your due diligence is required as well.

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