Zelensky Gets Another “Surprise” Visit (and Handout) from U.S. | The New American TV

2 years ago

U.S. Treasury secretary Janet Yellen pops in on Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky to hand over more American tax dollars to fund his war efforts.  

Walt Disney World in Florida gets a comeuppance from Governor Ron DeSantis. 

Dilbert gets the boot after creator Scott Adams makes observations about whether it’s okay to be white. 

The United States earns poor scores on the Cato Institute’s “Human Freedom Index,” while millions of Americans will lose Medicaid eligibility in coming months as government ends its Covid state of emergency protocols. 

A girls’ high school basketball team in Vermont comes under fire for giving up state tournament hopes because it refuses to play a team that includes a male. 

Rebecca Terrell and Daniel Natal discuss these and other headlines.  

Selwyn Duke https://thenewamerican.com/very-angry-man-claims-that-every-month-is-white-history-month/ joins the program to discuss Black History Month and appropriate methods of teaching history.  

Christian Gomez and Peter Rykowski of The John Birch Society https://jbs.org/alerts/ have exciting news from Missouri https://jbs.org/alerts/state/missouri/ and Nebraska https://jbs.org/alerts/state/nebraska/ about real election reform bills in those states. 
In our “Taking Action” segment, John Birch Society Communications Director Paul Dragu talks about the organization’s Restore Election Integrity https://jbs.org/vote/ action project.  

The New American TV is dedicated to bringing you the Truth Behind the News. Join us each weekday at 3:00 p.m. Eastern at wvwtv.com/live https://www.worldviewweekend.com/tv and at TheNewAmerican.com at 5 p.m. Eastern.

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