Cost of Afghan Debacle Unknown Because Of A Lie !!!, 4021

1 year ago

Good evening, I’m Still reporting on the coup.

According to a new government watchdog report, the cost of Biden abandoning Afghanistan was $7.2 billion dollars. However, there is a big question mark about even that titanic number because it is based on a flat out lie.


I don’t know how many times I’ve done a report that it is impossible for the military or a defense-related industry to ever lose a database permanently, but I know I’ve done this story over a half dozen times.

How do I know, because for more than a decade I worked just steps from the datacenter of major government and defense related enterprises in both classified and unclassified settings.

Anyone who has worked around these datacenters with any sort of connection to classified information knows that it is impossible to lose information. Modern datacenters are protected by redundant systems.

Everything is copied to another place, which is copied to another backup place, etc., etc. Then, on top of that there is an additional old school backup layer to tape drives. Every week, you will see the special courier from Iron Mountain come in and collect copies of the tapes and take them to a super secure facility, perhaps buried deep underground, in a fashion to ensure that NOTHING WILL BE LOST – FOREVER!

Anyone who says that their government agency somehow lost the data is flat out lying. That’s why they call it Iron Mountain.

Whoever made this claim cannot possibly stand up in a courtroom and repeat this lie if he or she was in a position to know how the system works. Whoever made this claim needs to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

It a reckless and hollow lie that is so easily proven to be a total falsehood, and yet, it is used over and over again to the media to cover something they want to hide, and the media doesn’t know any better.

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