Aug 31, 2009 🎺 The Lord says... Your Resolve and Trust will be put to the test

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The Lord says… Your Resolve & Your Trust will be put to the Test

August 31, 2009 – From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy During an Online Fellowship, For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Regarding those servants, who would withhold from the needy and from those who ask… This is to withhold from the Lord.

Thus says The Lord your God… I withheld My servant, that he not speak, and inclined My ear to hear your speech, yet I have heard no answer… I have set before you yet another stone, over which you have stumbled. And before Me, even among this flock, there remain many, who at present have no part in this ministry, nor part in this trumpet which I have set before them… My servants, did you think this was a small matter before the Lord?!…

The time has come! And those who would trumpet My words are tried, even as Israel was tried… It is time.

And so I have set before you a man, of whom you have no knowledge and no assurances, whose heart is very heavy with sorrow and fear, and you have turned to him the back…

I require of all My servants, that they have no reservation toward one who is in need. Therefore, refine your hearts. Seek My face as never before, and do so bringing nothing with you, nor ask of Me anything according to your wills… For I am The Lord…

I bless the thankworthy and the slothful; I have caused the sun to rise upon the wicked and the righteous alike.

Yet of you, none of you have fully partaken of Me. None of you trust with abandonment. None of you believe without seeing… Oh yes, beloved, Timothy also. Yet there are those few among this flock, who sought to help one in need, doing so in spite of themselves and their error…

Yea, with no assurance at all that the need would be met. And that need was provided for… By Me was it provided, even I foreknew and provided it. Yet, at present, it remains unfulfilled according to My will…

So you may be tried, so you may be tested, so your hearts may be displayed and the innermost intent made subject to judgment… Mine and your own… Not amongst yourselves…

Rather, brought forth before your own eyes, so all that remains unseen is seen, and that realized might now come to be stripped away.

Therefore, stretch not out the hand, nor wag the head. Nor let even one thought enter in, which is against Timothy, My servant, for he is also abased even as you, so his resolve may also be tested to discern the quality thereof… Even as yours.

My children, abandon yourselves and the ways of this world… GIVE, without a second thought. Know you not, that you have become slaves to the poor? Know you not, that you shall soon be as they?…

The form of this world is passing away, and all which you think you have attained, by human means, shall also pass away.

Therefore, it is a faithful and wise servant, who gives and does not withhold from his neighbor… Even his neighbor unseen, even everyone in the earth with whom he shares this world… For that given in love is given to Me… Whether given and snatched by an enemy, or given and received among brothers… ALL IS MINE!

Even if one gives of his very life… Or loses it… Whether one dies or whether one lives… They are Mine.

You have entered in, and now all sup from the table of the Lord’s testing, and will continue therein… Until those appointed to escape are taken, and those appointed for battle are sent… I am The Lord.

As it is written in Matthew 25:40…
“Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these,
My brethren, you did it to Me.” ~ YahuShua

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