There is an appointed time (The barren fig tree Luke 13:6-9)

1 year ago

There is an appointed time (The barren fig tree Luke 13:6-9)

I am someone who has always been mindful of the time, I have always worn a watch and have always keep track of the time of day. When I have an appointment, you better believe that I am going to be there on time, no wait a minute, I am going to be there early. When I was college our business professors always told us that 5 minutes early was 10 minutes late as they wanted to instill in us a mindset of always being early so you are never late. Even for the most prepared and equipped individuals there will come a time when something out of your hands occurs, and you are late or miss an appointment. With that being said, did you know that there is an appointment that we all have and there is no way to miss it, move it, or be early or late for it? There in an appointed day and time when all of us will stand before our Creator and answer for the life we lived on this earth. In our parable when the owner of the vineyard comes to inspect what he had planted for fruit we must know that one day God examine our lives as well. At that moment in time, there will be nothing we can do to change what we have done in the past as the record has already been written and we must answer for our actions. The great news is that while we are still here on earth, we have time make things right and ensure that we are headed in the proper spiritual direction.
There is nothing more frustrating than to have someone show up for an appointment and not be prepared or have what they need for the appointment. Show up at the DMV without you proof of residency and see if you do not leave frustrated or to a Dr Appointment with out a test result or x-ray you was supposed to bring with you. No imagine showing up to the most important appointment that any of us will every have and God himself says where is your fruit? You stumble around and try to make excuses. I just did not have time to focus on my relationship with you, I did not think it was that important, my friends said it was a waist of my time, I did not even think you existed, and so on and so on. You are not going to leave this appointment frustrated, you are going to leave this appointment devastated and distraught as God Himself says, “depart from me your worker of iniquity, I never knew you.” (Matthew 7:23) Daily each and everyone of us should examine our hearts to see that we are walking in accordance with God’s will for our life (2 Corinthians 13:5) because none of us want to show up for that eternal appointment fruitless and empty handed.

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