The Science Behind Men Cheating: Andrew Tate Reveals Why It's Natural and Historical

1 year ago

In this controversial video, Andrew Tate dives into the topic of cheating and why he believes it's not only acceptable for men, but also biological. Tate argues that throughout history, emperors and powerful men have had multiple wives, and that this is evidence of men's inherent desire to spread their seed and ensure the survival of their genes.

Tate also points out that while men are often criticized for cheating, there has never been a single instance in history of a woman having multiple partners at the same time. He suggests that this is because women are programmed biologically to seek out a strong, dominant mate who can protect and provide for them, while men are driven to mate with as many partners as possible.

While many may find Tate's arguments controversial or even offensive, he backs them up with historical examples and scientific research. Whether you agree with his perspective or not, this video is sure to spark discussion and debate about the nature of human sexuality and relationships.

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