02.26.23 "This Is Why We Are Here"

2 years ago

So many things seem “wrong” right now: massive earthquakes in Turkey and Syria with death tolls approaching 50,000, war between Ukraine and Russia now over a year old with little chance of it ending soon, run away inflation with skyrocketing food and energy costs, massive USA debt of unfathomable amounts, climate crises and severe weather, seemingly healthy people dropping dead for no apparent reason "Sudden Adult Death Syndrome" (SADS), train derailments with huge toxic chemical spills, spy balloons traversing the entire length of the U.S.A., … I could go on almost indefinitely but we all get the picture. What’s going on?!?! Armageddon? "No," I don’t think so. This is no time for despair. Healing is what is going on. Those things which need healing are coming to the surface to be seen and healed. This can only mean that we, as a collective, are ready to look at them clearly to heal them. "Do not despair, then, because of limitations. It is your function to escape from them, but not to be without them. ... If you would be saviors, you must understand what needs to be escaped. Salvation is not theoretical. Behold the problem, ask for the answer, and then accept it when it comes." (OrEd.Mn.26.4) Let us see ourselves as now rising to the savior status we were meant for. This is why we are here. 26 min. SUBSCRIBE & SHARE

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