February 14, 2023 ❤️ Jesus explains... Resisting Temptation with My Grace and the true Prayer

1 year ago

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Resisting Temptation with My Grace & The true Prayer

February 14, 2023 - Words from Jesus thru Sister Clare

(Clare) May the Lord bless your sweet hearts with His endurance and love, dear family. Lord, thank You for answering me so quickly, and holding me, pulling me to Your Heart, even though I wanted to pray for most of the day and did not, because of the messes here and there. I felt so disorganized.

(Jesus) “Sweet Bride, keep it clean and organized, for I have much work for you to do, and I do not want you to be running around frustrated because you could not find the item you needed. It feels good, doesn’t it?”

(Clare) Yes Lord, it really does.

(Jesus) “Just a little more and you will have the house in order. This is a good practice, spring cleaning before spring, everything ready to go.”

(Clare) Jesus, I just want to hug and hold You.

(Jesus) “You have held Me close all day.”

(Clare) Well, I tried.

(Jesus) “Well, you succeeded, rest in that understanding. This is the way I want you to pray every day.”

(Clare) Pray?

(Jesus) “Do you not know and recognize this is prayer?”

(Clare) Well, not really, because I was not really lifting any petitions except a couple of times.

(Jesus) “No, my love, this is the Prayer of Presence. Holding Me in this way is, in reality, a true prayer, a declaration of your awareness and need for Me, as well as your appreciation and worship of Me. It is as though you said... 'Jesus, I cannot live without You holding me tightly, not even for one second.' By putting Me first in your mind and priority, you are declaring this. I receive it as prayer, the prayer of a soul deeply in love that cannot stand to be apart from Me.”

(Clare) Oh Lord, I hope that is true!

(Jesus) “I would not have said what I said if it were not. Clare, you know I do not flatter with My lips, I speak truth.”

(Clare) Lord, I do not want to see anyone else, hear anyone else or read anyone else. This is a grace I want to keep forever. And I was saying that because I am not even tempted by Youtube about the news, the war, or anything else anymore.

(Jesus) “Satan is already plotting to take it away. Guard it, Beloved. You have put forth the effort consistently, and when I see a soul breaking a bad habit, with just a little grace to do it , I reward them for their constancy and resolve... even when it is not as perfect as they would like it to be, because they really want it enough to make the effort. I reward them in their journey with new graces to make them more stable. In a sense, they have proven they can hold onto the grace if I give it to them, so I do. Now you must fight to keep it, because Satan will most surely try to steal it.

“My people, when you want to change, but lack the resolve, but finally make that resolution, I am very, very pleased. Then I watch you pass through temptations I deliberately allow to see if you really, really do want to change. When you persevere for a time, through many temptations, I count your victories and hand over the grace to you that you have been building towards by your efforts and resolve. This means you have advanced one rung on the ladder.

“The demons assigned to you watch you, when they see this, report to their supervisors, who in turn begin to construct situations that will cause you to lapse and give up that grace.”

(Clare) Lord, I feel so much purer since I have not been watching the news.

(Jesus) “That is because you are; you cut yourself off from contamination. Believe Me, it is a joy to hold you without all that ugly goo clinging to you and running through your mind.”

(Clare) Here, Jesus is talking about the alternative news that I used to watch a great deal of and keeping up with the latest happenings. Well, they cling to you like mud and contaminate your thinking, maybe more like tar, and they rivet your mind on sad and ugly world events, breeding fear and hopelessness. I mean, it is helpful to find out what you are praying for, but it can go too far.

(Jesus) “Well said. Now you have an informed conscience to help you avoid the ‘curiosity’ and ‘need to know’ demons that love to distract you away from Me. When you cling to Me, you become more and more like Me, and that is the last thing in the world they want. Their job is to distract you away from Me, to undermine your faith, and replace it with empty knowledge that feeds your vices.

“My children, in order to become holy, you must exclude the unholy things from your minds and meditate on what is pure, good and beautiful, even as the Scriptures say in Philippians 4:7-9...

(Apostle Paul) And the peace of the Lord, which surpasses all understanding, shall guard your hearts and your minds through Jesus the Messiah. For the rest, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is righteous, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there is any praise, think on these things. And what you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me, put it into practice, and the God of peace shall be with you.

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