The Bear and The Two Friends

1 year ago

Once upon a time, there were two friends, a fox and a raven, who lived in the forest. One day, they came across a bear who was in a bad mood. The bear threatened to hurt them if they didn't find a way to make him happy.
The two friends, not wanting to be harmed, thought of a plan. The fox suggested that he would tell the bear a joke to cheer him up. The bear, intrigued, asked the fox to proceed.
The fox told the bear a joke, and the bear laughed so hard that he fell to the ground. Just then, the raven, who had been watching from a nearby tree, dropped a large piece of cheese on the bear's stomach. The bear, feeling full and happy, thanked the two friends and went on his way.
The two friends, relieved that they had made the bear happy, continued on their journey. However, they soon realized that they had forgotten to retrieve the cheese that the raven had dropped on the bear.
They went back to the spot where they had left the bear, but he was nowhere to be found. The two friends searched high and low, but they could not find the bear or the cheese.
Feeling frustrated and hungry, the two friends sat down to rest. As they sat, they heard a growling sound, and the bear appeared, holding the cheese in his mouth.
The bear, feeling generous, gave the cheese to the two friends as a reward for making him happy. The two friends were overjoyed and thanked the bear for his kindness.
And that, my friends, is the story of The Bear and The Two Friends. The story teaches us that a kind and thoughtful action can turn a potentially dangerous situation into a positive one. It also shows us the importance of friendship and the power of humor to bring happiness to others.

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