Why is there more than 200 A worth of breakers inside of a 200 amp panel?!

3 years ago

Have you ever looked at an electrical panel and wondered how we get away with a 200 amp main breaker but theres far more than 200 amps worth of breakers inside the panel? Lets talk about it.

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I’ve had this question asked to me numerous times, why don’t we just add up all the breakers and make that our service size?

The vast majority of the time and electrical system is being underutilized. Most electrical systems barely run any loads throughout the day so there’s really no reason to calculate things at the max capacity of the system. Code allows us to derate some things to account for this.

There are two methods of coming up with service ratings, one is what we call the Standard Method and the other is the Optional Method. The National Electrical Code allows us to figure out what types of loads will be utilized and accounts for many of the other loads that are not likely to run with the rest. We’ll cover these in a later video.

#electrician #electrical #breakers

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