LEAKED footage of a Human Hybrid with NO EYES and NOSE???

1 year ago

Is this the PSYCHIC RACE in making who doesn't need eyes and nose?!?!?!

Proof: Raw footage smuggled out by a credible insider from inside a secret base in INDIA

Is this another Black Ops experiment gone wrong (yes we said US's Black Ops group)??

This experimental hybrid baby was smuggled out of an India secret facility and you can hear local people in the hospital talking in Hindi wondering what this thing is/was...

CABAL and Black Ops along with the IAs as always are using COINTELPRO protocols and the teams have discredited the existence of this entire on-going projects in and out of the US.

They also have associations with other countries including India through an outside Earth Alliance called...
1. Global Galactic League of Nations (definition below), and
2. ICC-Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate (definition below)

***Global Galactic League of Nations - These are earth nations to maintain the veil of secrecy for whatever is going on the outer space.
***ICC-Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate - The corporations all over the world that have representatives in a super corporate board that controls the infrastructures of the Secret Space Program
that they have out in the space. They are the largest and pretty much own all of the infrastructure out in the solar system.

We here in the DUMBS have CLONING technology since around late 1960s...

A lil info for you... There is a SUPER FEDERATION COUNCIL which consists of 40 human like EBEs who have been running 22 genetic programs all over the Earth. Hence, even though modern science call all the races on Earth human beings, but we are not all Homo-Sapiens, but variations of homo-sapiens with genes mix from those respective EBE groups... Human experiment on Earth have been wiped off, re-established and genetically re-engineered 62 times to be exact (more evidences to follow in future posts). We have co-existed not only with Dinosaurs but along with/alongside the EBEs. Till date there are areas on Earth, if you try to trespass those forests, mountains, lakes or caves, you die or disappear for unknown reasons, those are the security protocols and measures in place by EBEs to keep us away from them and their establishments/cities on Earth. All of those facilities are either underground in humongous caverns inside the earth, a few of them are of the size of TX or they are underwater. More to come...

Many real artifacts, documental evidences and videos have been called a HOAX as part of the COINTELPRO - COunter INTELligence PROgram, which is a series of covert, illegal projects run by the FBI aiming at discrediting any secret information leaked on the internet-video or photographs... they employ a group of paid people who engage in group discussions on various platforms giving an impression of being engaged in genuine discussion ignoring the post owner in most cases and at times attacking the other post followers by discrediting them and their knowledge sometimes they ridicule them openly... in the process they discredit the entire post-video or photographs by posting or referencing similar hoax videos or photographs which their team created and hence tying in the real and authentic video and photos to those and concluding the real stuff a hoax...

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