What's the Difference between MLO and MBR Panels???

3 years ago

Very little difference when we see a Main Breaker and a Main Lug Only panel, but their applications vary quite a bit. Most uses of a Main Lug Only, or MLO, consist of remote distribution panels, or sub panels as we call them in the trade. More often than not, we will come across a Main Breaker Panel, or MBP. The most important thing to remember about These panels It's to deenergize the bus or everything downstream of thing down stream of the breaker. The way of terminating In these panels is also a little different. In a main breaker panel we terminate the grounds onto a groundbar and the neutrals onto a neutral bar and if it's our 1st means of disconnect we also bond the neutral and grounds together. And we terminate the ungrounded conductors onto the main breaker as normal. In a main log only panel, The main logs are attached straight to the bus bar and cannot be switched off at that panel location. The grounds and neutrals would not be bonded together in this panel in this panel because it would not be the 1st means of disconnect. Hope you enjoy the video stay tuned for more like it.

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