Just know that every move has been preplanned and carefully calculated by the Globalist Elites.

1 year ago

Just know that every move has been preplanned and carefully calculated by the Globalist Elites. They have been rigging elections way before 2020, but we learned about it after our 2020 Election was stolen from us and they installed Biden! The reason Trump won in 2016 is they did cheat, but not enough because they were confident that Hillary couldn’t lose. Since Hillary lost, they had to pull out all the stops because they knew there was absolutely NO way Biden could beat Trump! They achieved this by changing the votes through dominion voting system which we saw the vote changed on Air on Election Day and MASSIVE mail in ballots where they stopped counting that Evening in 6 swing states where Trump was ahead! George W Bush is part of the globalist plan and he was put in place to ruin the Republican Party & he did just that to help Obama get elected. What is important to understand about the WEF rigging Elections worldwide is they install their puppets in prominent roles using Covid, the Green New Deal etc. to usher in the NWO. It’s NOT only the Democrats, but many RINOS within the Republican Party who is also the puppets for the Globalist Elites that wants Trump gone! They fear Trump because they can’t control him and is the reason why we need Trump back in office!

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