DAY 1 Grand Jury Model Proceding Corona Investigative Committee Opening Statements

1 year ago

The Corona Investigative Committee via international attorneys including Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and Vivian Fischer investigated the world situation. They interviewed over 400 experts across the globe. Crimes Against Humanity Invested. This is the People's Court of Public Opinion based on Natural Law. This is the most important event outside of the courts. With real lawyers, a real judge and real witnesses. Please watch all eight (8) days of documented evidence. Share it widely. This is modeled after the American Grand Jury the first court of our land to bring to We the People evidence, and is there enough evidence to prosecute? We the People. A vote went to We the People the outcome was YES there is ample evidence to prosecute the criminals . This is the link to the original website of the Corona Investigative Committee and The Grand Jury where you can also find all 8 days:
Please Do watch all 8 days, yes it is long, but do it anyway as an assignment. They interviewed over 400 witnesses from across the globe top professionals in every walk of life sticking their necks out to Speak Truth to Power. It's all there in that 8 days, the who the how and the why. The Grand Jury Model Proceding Court of Public Opinion is expertly presented just as if it was in a court in the system. Real lawyers from all over the world, a real judge, he has an accent and you really have to pay attention to his words, and real witnesses, many Covid Injected-Injured or families of the many dead from the bioweapon injections . Now we know they knew it killed now it all makes sense, horrific sense. Please be up on it all and watch or listen to all 8 days. I garden and listen. Some of the lawyers are very interesting, the lady from India especially so. Thank you everyone and remember tell your local pharmacist to stop the shots or else.

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