Where is my tax refund? Episode 1: r/IRS News & Questions Answered

1 year ago

Welcome to the first Vlog Episode for r/IRS: www.reddit.com/r/IRS

Here are relevant links and shoutouts from the Episode:

Shout out to subscriber u/hrjrjeb for the great question! John answered your question at this time stamp. https://youtu.be/uCU06jQ5YIk?t=675 Enjoy the Reddit gold!

Shout out to the New Reddit Talk Announcers!



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More info from the Episode:

The new IRS tool is available to help taxpayers and tax preparers quickly resolve specific IRS issues by electronically uploading documents in response to nine types of notices:

CP04, relating to combat zone status.

CP05A, information request about a refund.

CP06 and CP06A, relating to the Premium Tax Credit.

CP08, relating to the Child Tax Credit.

CP09, relating to claiming the Earned Income Tax Credit.

CP75, relating to the EITC.

CP75A, relating to the EITC.

CP75D, relating to the EITC and other credits.

Learn more here - https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/taxpayers-can-now-upload-more-documents-to-irs-new-online-option-for-9-notices-can-help-resolve-issues-faster

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