Change Your Thinking, Change Your Destiny!

1 year ago

Learn How to THiNK

The Key to Experience Life at it's BEST, is to master our thinking.

Life has very little to do with what happens to us, but EVERYTHING to do with how we THINK about what happens to us.

If you think life is hard, then you do not know how to think.

A human being can handle everything, except thinking life is hard.

It doesn't matter how easy life is, if you think it's hard, you won't be able to hack it.

You can't live with anything thinking about it the wrong way.

What is the wrong way to think?

Thinking life is hard.

I am sure you know people who have easier lives than you, but they think it is hard, and they can't handle it.

You will NEVER succeed in anything that you think is hard. Similarly, you cannot make the life of someone who thinks it is hard, easy enough, so that they can succeed

#life #motivation #inspiration #success #mindset #thinking #torah

RABBI STEPHEN BAARS is known for imparting important ideas with creativity and humor. He’s spoken all over the world, in venues as varied as the US Senate to the famous LA Improv. He’s a regular speaker at the Fortune Magazine Summits and the author of many books, including BLISS: The Marriage and Parenting Book and THE WORST MARRIAGE ADVICE IN THE WORLD.

He’s also the creator of the highly popular motivational seminar: Think Like a Winner and the accompanying book Win: Change Your Thinking, Change Your Destiny.

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