Framing Wheel Well Of My Tiny Home And Finished Lumber Yard Job

9 years ago

Friday I was up at 5 am so I went into the lumber yard to work early. I finally finished the job. In the evening I worked on the tiny house wheel wells until it got dark out.

I was awake way too early and could not sleep so I got my videos processed and headed off to the lumber yard early so I could beat the heat. It was a cooler morning. Actually it was cold at 50 degrees and I almost needed a jacket.

I pushed myself hard and got the job finished though by lunch time. I had my electric saw with me and the owner of the ex lumber yard had a generator waiting for me to use. I cut up all the wood that was laying around. There were parts of buildings out there as well. It was quite a job and a lot of cutting.

But I finished the job finally. The owner told me that the next trip I bring home will be all good stuff. He is very pleased with my work.

I got some scrap pallets on my truck which I will put under the lumber I brought home so far to keep it off the ground.

I will go back Monday to get my good wood and the wind turbine tower as payment for my work.

I took a nap in the heat of the day and then worked on the tiny house wheel well. I have to frame the wheel well before the walls go on. It will be so much easier to reach things if I do it now.

I managed to get the framing for one wheel well cut and screwed together before it got too late. I used some of the better wood that I salvaged from the lumber yard job.

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