Solar Panel Angles Explained And Recovering From Heat Exhaustion

10 years ago

Friday morning as the sun was clearing the tree tops I talked about my solar panels and where they are located to catch the maximum sunlight exposure during the day.

The sun clears the trees at about 8 to 8:30 this time of year and shines right on the solar panels. Any closer to my RV and they would be in the shade longer. Farther out and they would not catch the afternoon sun which shines on them until the sun passes behind the trees and the mountain in the west.

I could angle them a bit more due south though to catch some more peak sunlight hours. I will be making a better stand for them soon and angle them nicely into the sun.

I worked about three hours at the lumber yard and tossed a whole pallet of rotten wood into a container they have for that purpose. I am basically working for barter right now. But due to heat exhaustion the previous day I had to go home and head off to bed for a while. I was not feeling well at all. After drinking about a gallon and a half of water I still had a pounding headache and felt weak. It is strange that I usually get sick the day after working hard like I did on Thursday. This basically ruined my day Friday and I got nothing done the rest of the day sadly.

Heat exhaustion is the step before sun stroke and is nothing to play around with. The symptoms are muscle cramps and pains, headache, nausea and a general unwell feeling. The best cure is to take it easy, stay cool and drink lots of water with a bit of salt in it.

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