Free Wood For My Tiny House Plus Packages Arrived

10 years ago

This is the third part of the work on Tuesday. It was a very busy day indeed. I left for town around 4 PM to get some urgently needed supplies. In town I found a huge pile of beautiful oak wooden pallets. These are clean oak pallets with mostly 2 x 2 framing.

I asked about them and yes, they are free for the taking. I rushed home and got my neighbor out there with his truck and loaded up the truck over the top of the cab. We loaded the truck 1.5 times with all the wood I got for free. On the ground it does not look like so much though.

I got a bunch of 3/8 inch particle board as well. Most are 4 x 6 pieces but I can still use them in my tiny house build.

The oak 2 x 2 and 1 x 2 boards from the pallets will be used for framing in my kitchen cabinets in the tiny house on wheels. This is nice, clean oak wood. It will be very nice looking if sanded. I am thinking about using some for shelving in my study as well. I would like to find ways to use it and keep it visible because it would be a shame to hide such fine wood.

Some of the pallets were simply cardboard with oak boards stapled to it. These are perfect for framing for my tiny house shelving and cabinets. The cardboard goes into the garden walk ways to keep the grass down.

Some of the pallets will be used to build my chicken coop. They are 6 feet high. I will have to duck a little but they are perfect for the framing with no modifications. This is too easy. I even have one that will fit for the roof as well.

I will use some of the old insulation from the 32 foot camper I am gutting out for my chicken coop. The paneling will be used inside the chicken coop. I will recycle as much as I can from the old camper to build with.

In the evening I opened up some packages that had arrived. One was all the way from Ireland from Goliath Man. He sent me some treats for Baby cat, some awesome strong mint leaves, a touch screen pen and a movie that he made on a USB stick. Thank you again Goliath Man.

I got another package from my ebay purchases. I bought a bunch of stuff online for my tiny home. I look for auctions under a dollar with free shipping and bid on them. Sometimes I win. I will have all indirect LED lighting in my tiny house on wheels. And everything was a dollar or less. Nice.

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