The Law of Sheriffs Chapter 7

2 years ago

220. Attachment against a Person.
221. What Is an Attachment of Property.
222. Duty of the Sheriff in Case of Garnishment.
223. When Attachments Will Issue.
224. Attachments as Fixing a Lien on the Property Seized.
225. An Attachment Chiefly a Statutory Remedy in Actions Ex Contractu.
226. Attachment Statutes to Be Strictly Construed.
227. How an Attachment Must Be Executed on Land.
228. How an Attachment Must Be Levied on Chattels .
229. Attachment of Bulky Articles.
230. Sheriff's Control of Attached Goods.
231. An Attachment Must Be Actually Levied.
232. Debtor as Sheriff's Agent to Keep Goods Attached.
233. Sheriff May Appoint an Indifferent Person as Keeper of Attached Goods.
234. What Is a Sufficient Attachment and Seizure of Goods.
235. Duty of the Officer as to the Whole of Property Where Only Part Is Attached .
236. The Force That a Sheriff May Use to Execute an Attachment.
237. Goods Attached Can Not Be Seized by Another Officer.
238. Sheriff Liable for Seizing Goods of Third Person.
239. Right of Sheriff to Attach Choses in Action.
240. Duty of Sheriff to Observe the Priority of His Process.
241. When a Sheriff May and When He Can Not Demand Indemnity for Levying an Attachment.

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