Episode 13 How to make yourself cancel-proof

1 year ago

Kevin Dolan literally became a victim of cancel culture.

He had a substantial following on Twitter with over 12k followers at the time. Due to his “controversial” takes like supporting Biblical views of marriage and sexuality, and amassing a following of like-minded people who agree with him, he was doxxed by an Antifa-associated group and fired from his job.

However, like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, Kevin immediately rose up like a middle finger towards his haters and he created his new group called EXIT.

As he describes it, “EXIT is a fraternal organization dedicated to ending our reliance on corporate employment, so that we can’t be threatened by a politicized HR department or an “employer mandate”. EXIT members are starting businesses, finding remote jobs, learning trades, growing their own food – anything that makes them harder to intimidate.”


Show notes page: https://libertyalliancenetwork.com/episode-13-how-to-make-yourself-cancel-proof/

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