Who Is To Blame For UK Food Shortages? - UK Column News - 27th February 2023

1 year ago

Sources: https://www.ukcolumn.org/video/uk-column-news-27th-february-2023-0
- Supermarkets blame poor foreign harvests for fruit and veg rationing
- Retailers blamed as supermarket shelves empty again
- Heating costs add further threat to UK produce sector
- Farmer frustration at low returns from supermarkets
- Egg producers ‘on the brink’ as 30% cost rise wipes out profits
- UK is 30–40 years away from 'eradication of soil fertility', warns Gove in 2017
- Funding for farmers and land managers to pay farmers to stop growing food
- Leaving farming: The optional Lump Sum Exit Scheme
- AB15: Two year sown legume fallow to pay farmers to grow flowers
- Only 100 harvests left in UK farm soils, scientists warn
- New Scientist: The idea that there are only 100 harvests left is just a fantasy
- Do we only have 60 harvests left? Hannah Ritchie: “But the ‘60 harvests’ claim is quite clearly false.”
- Guardian: Labour dreams of a slightly better Britain. But a truly great country is within reach—I’ve lived there

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