20230227-Emergency Measures Notwithstanding, Let's Trivialize Extreme Measures, What Could Go Wrong?

1 year ago

Back in November (20221103) the Fat Fascist of Queen's Park typed in the root key password to the constitution, invoking "notwithstanding," to take a labour dispute outside the bounds of judicial review.

Personally, I think that the notwithstanding clause is a stain upon our nation. But, it was brought into our constitution by another stain upon our nation, one Pierre Trudeau, so, what can you expect?

In this video I go into the underlying psychology of barriers to entry, and trivialization of extreme measures.

I also say some mean things about Premier Ford, Prime Minister Paints his Blackface Justin Trudeau, and his late, unlamented and never to be sufficiently cursed father Pierre f'ing Trudeau.


"Emergency Measures."

These are extreme measures, and they're being trivialized. To our detriment.

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