Setting Up Tiny House Solar Power And A Helper On The Homestead O24

9 years ago

I set up solar a solar power system for my tiny house on wheels plus I have a helper working at the off grid homestead.

I have a pair of solar batteries that I got out of the scrap yard a couple years ago which I am now using for my tiny house for now. This is a temporary setup until I have time to build a proper insulated battery box for my RV golf cart batteries. Then I will move the golf cart batteries over to the tiny house and swap them out with the solar batteries.

I am using a harbor freight solar panel system for my tiny house for now. It is actually bringing in more power per day at only 45 watts than my entire 800 watt solar panel system for the RV. This is because the HF solar panels are amorphous and are producing power during cloudy and rainy days when the polycrystalline panels are not.

I am also using the HF solar charge controller for now. I plan to use a better solar charge controller soon though.

I cut a hole in the tiny house wall under the kitchen sink. I used a hole cutter to make the hole. This allows me to pass the wired into and out of the tiny house for the battery bank.

A set of wires enters the tiny house between the solar panels and the charge controller. Another set of wires is connected between the batteries and the charge controller. Yet another pair of wires comes from the batteries back into the tiny home. This is the main power line for the tiny house.

I have a helper who will be working on the souvenirs for The Off Grid Project since I have been too busy working on the house. Emre is a foreign student who is going go college locally. I am going to pay him per item made. He will be making The Off Grid Project coffee coasters and helping with various other souvenirs while I finish the tiny house.

I finished connecting the solar power system to my tiny home and started to connect some LED lighting to the house. I am using my homemade paneling to hold the LED spotlights above the kitchen counter.

A package arrived containing a tool belt and some saw blades. I do not know who sent it but thank you. This will help out a lot at the off grid homestead.

Follow my daily progress on the path to self sufficiency on my off grid solar homestead.

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