Finished Framing Tiny Home Walls

10 years ago

Saturday we finally finished framing in the tiny house walls. John came over for the entire day as well as an unknown assistant.

We got together in the morning and jumped right into the work. I framed in the entire loft and walk way between the lofts while my unnamed assistant and John finished up the front wall with all the windows and the door.

The front wall took most of the day to finish due to all the cuts and pieces of wood. This wall is a wall of windows with a sort of cathedral look. It will be quite amazing to look at I think.

The loft consists of a 10 foot long by 6 foot wide room upstairs. I have a the exact same room on the other end of the tiny house. The one loft will be my bedroom and the other loft will be my study and guest room.

There is a 3 foot wide by 12 foot long walk way between the two lofts so I will only need a single set of stairs to get up to the lofts.

We finally got the walls lifted up and into place late in the evening.

Then it was time to put on the sheathing. There was a heavy rain storm predicted for Sunday, the next day and I was very stressed about getting the sheathing and the roof on the house. There was no way the roof was going on though before the sheathing was on because the tiny house on wheels was just too shaky.

We only got a partial row of sheathing on before it was too dark to work. I put my tarp in the tiny house and stapled it onto the inside of the walls to form a sort of bowl which would hopefully catch any rain water falling into the house and funnel it out through the wheel wells.

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