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Sun Drying My Garden Harvest All Natural Off Grid Food Preservation S3

10 years ago

Sun drying my fresh garden harvest. This is an all natural food preservation method used for thousands of years. I am stocking up on some garden foods for later use at my off grid homestead.

I had a nice harvest of various chili peppers this summer so I cut some up and put then on cookie sheets. Cut them thin and put them on the sheet so that no slices are touching another. This will help them dry faster.

Then set the cookie sheet out in the direct sun to dry. Mine took two days to dry because I only get partial sunlight during the day.

I also hung up some herbs on my porch roof to dry. Simply cut the herbs and tie them off in bundles at the bases. Then hang the string so the herbs are hanging upside down from the rafters.

My garden is providing me some nice organic food this year.

I am saving the chili pepper seeds to plant for next year.

When the chili peppers are dry you can simply put them in glass jars to use in cooking as needed through the winter season.

Follow my daily progress on the path to self sufficiency on my off grid solar homestead.

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