This Is Not The End Of My Channel But A New Beginning

9 years ago

Please bring good, clean comments, questions and suggestions to the forum:

I have tried to keep the comments clean but it is a waste of my time. This is time I could be working on good quality videos and projects.

I will no longer try to clean up the comments until YT fixes their mess and allows the channel owners to have full control again.

I can "block" people but that only means that I can no longer see their comments. It is a useless waste of my time to keep trying.

I will move forward with my projects as planned and leave the comments to whoever wants. If you are going to post in the comments from now on you have to be tough. I am sorry but that is the way YT seems to want it now.

I will be working on videos instead of wasting my time trying to do something that YT does not give me the power to do anyway.

If you want a good, clean and troll free place to chat, discuss things, ask questions or give suggestions please bring it over to the forum from now on.

Thank you,


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