Nailing On The Roof Sheathing And Squaring The Tiny House

9 years ago

Tuesday afternoon John came over and we put the roof sheathing and tar paper on my tiny home. We also had to square up the tiny house.

First we put on three sheets of sheathing on the roof and when we got to the end, it looked fine from below. But on the ground the end of the roof was hanging over three inches. It was off square.

We took the sheets off and dug out my come along and a rope. We tried to find a tape measure long enough to do the job but had none.

We went to town and I got a tape measure long enough and we got back to the homestead.

We had to measure the walls from corner to corner diagonally with the tape measure. The wider corners had to be pulled in with the come along and rope.

This took us about an hour because we had to carefully adjust the ladders and get up. Then extend the tape measure and check for square. When both diagonal corners measure the same then the tiny home is square.

Each time after a measurement I cranked on the come along a bit to pull in the diagonal corners. Then we measured again.

We did this until the house was square.

It took us the remainder of the day to get the OSB sheathing up on the roof and attached. Then I stayed up on the roof and ran the tar paper. It took 5 rows of tar paper.

John worked on smaller sheets of plywood down on the ground filling in gaps in the house sheathing.

We finished with the roof as it was getting dark out. But we got the tar paper done and the roof will no longer leak.

This was an immense relief for me.

We put my huge tarp over the front face of the tiny house on wheels to keep it safe in case it rained in the night.

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