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Testing The Emberlit Backpacking Wood Stove With BuggingIn From YouTube O12

10 years ago

Bison from Buggingin came over and give me a new titanium Emberlit wood burning camp/cook stove. This is ultralight and folds down flat for transportation.

I just had to try it out right away. We put some twigs and kindling in the little wood stove and fired it right up. The fire starts easily enough.

You feed wood into a slot on the front of the stove. This allows you to use longer sticks and keep feeding it in as needed.

This stove claims to be able to hold a full dutch oven. There have been tests done with this stove where a person stands on top of it. I will not be trying that one out myself.

I did not do much video at all on this day due to cutting fire wood for my tiny house heat this winter.

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