Road Trip And Some Trim Work In My Tiny House O2

9 years ago

Monday I had Jury Duty so I had to take a road trip to Kingston NY for the day. After I got home, I only had a few hours left of the day so I put in some trim pieces in the tiny house on wheels.

In the morning I had to leave early in order to be to court on time. It was a nice drive but a very boring time sitting in court waiting for my turn to be asked questions for jury duty.

Eventually, after lunch, my number was called and after being asked some questions, I was released from jury duty.

I headed back on the long drive back to the off grid homestead. On the way I picked up some lumber at Lowes for my tiny home.

I got a package in the mail which contained the ceramic wall spacers for my wood stove heat shield. This will protect my wood wall from the heat of the wood stove.

I went through a box of gifts that Buggingin brought me on Friday. I wanted to show these on video. Thanks again Bison.

It was already dark by the time I was inside working on the trim on the loft of my tiny house on wheels. I got some 2x6 boards installed to reinforce the catwalk of the loft and also close up the ends of my 2x4 framing. It looks very nice now and it is very strong and rugged.

That was the end of the day at The Off Grid Project

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