Community Building My Tiny House On Wheels

10 years ago

Friday afternoon some friends from Canada arrived to help on the tiny house construction. Saturday we had a huge work day with 9 guest helpers at the off grid homestead.

Friday evening we looked over the tiny house and my framer friend helped me figure out a purchase list for the building materials we would need for the weekend.

Saturday I had 9 people helping me out here at the off grid homestead.

Some people worked on the garden, cleaning out the weeds. Some cleaned up the wild growth that took over the electric fence, which now works again nicely.

Some build a new chicken coop for my birds using all scrap lumber. The birds are quite happy now.

Some worked on the windows of the tiny house on wheels, led by John.

My framer friend fixed the framing errors and added in missing pieces in the tiny house.

I worked on the kitchen and bathroom walls so we can get the bathroom wall framed in.

Overall a lot was happening at The Off Grid Project. It was a very busy time and so exciting to see all the work going on.

I was running around like crazy getting things together for all the workers so I did not touch the camera much at all.

Thank you to all my friends and guests who helped make this such a great weekend with so much progress on the tiny house.

Follow my daily progress on the path to self sufficiency on my off grid solar homestead.

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Experiments and projects in off grid living, alternate energy, survival, hiking and more.

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