Rewiring The Tiny House Solar Power System Properly

9 years ago

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I took the entire day to rewire my tiny house solar power system with proper fuses and wires.

First I took all the temporary clamps and connectors off my tiny house solar battery bank and rewired them properly. There are only a few lines connecting to the battery bank now.

The solar MPPT charge controller output is connected first. Next comes the DC power lines which feed the tiny house on wheels.

I connected a wire directly from the positive terminal of the battery bank and wired it into my massive 80 Amp fuse block which I got at the tag sale at the auction house a few weeks ago.

The output side of the fuse block then goes to the living room and upstairs of my tiny house, providing DC power.

I also connected a wire from another 80 Amp fuse on the fuse block which goes to a second smaller fuse block. The smaller fuses range from 5 Amps to 20 Amps in size. These fuses lead into the kitchen and bathroom of my tiny house.

Next I hooked up my pure sine wave power inverter to the battery bank of my tiny home. I used doubled up 4 gauge wires in parallel to provide more current capacity to the inverter.

I connected a surge strip into one of the plugs of the inverter so provide AC power right there in the kitchen. An extension cord leads through the tiny house into the living room. This is temporary for now until I get proper AC wiring in the tiny house. This wire feeds my laptop and monitor as needed.

Later I plan to set up DC power in the living room for the laptop, cell phones and other small devices.

Finally I connected a two port cigarette lighter socket into a 20 amp fuse in the smaller fuse block and connected it under the kitchen counter. This powers my dedicated weather station server which is my old netbook. You can find my weather online at any time right here:

It feels good to have the tiny house solar power properly wired finally. Now I feel a lot safer with fused wires in my tiny house on wheels.

Follow my daily progress on the path to self sufficiency on my off grid solar homestead.

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