Sunny Day Using Solar Power In My Off Grid Tiny Home

9 years ago

We had the first light dusting of snow overnight but the day was bright and sunny. This provided me with plenty of solar power to charge up all my batteries and battery powered devices.

I use the sunny days to take advantage of the extra power and top off any battery powered devices and rechargeable batteries.

My Ryobi batteries are always being used in my power tools and LED lights. These are always in need of a good charge. When there are too many cloudy days I use battery powered LED lamps for light in my tiny house to save the main battery bank from damage.

I also finally got my computer and cell phones topped off. The camera was low as well from all the lack of power during the log period when I had no batteries.

I spent some time sorting all my wires and electrical components in the tiny house. I put like things together in boxes so it is easier to keep track of them from now on. It was getting chaotic in the tiny house on wheels since I had been bringing in a lot of stuff during the building phase of the tiny cottage.

My little off grid solar tiny home is doing better now that I have the solar panels and proper MPPT solar charge controller hooked up.

I am running 800 watts of solar panels in the tiny house again. This gives me plenty of power to spare during peak sunlight hours.

Follow my daily progress on the path to self sufficiency on my off grid solar homestead.

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