Working On Solar And LED Lighting In My Tiny Home O26

9 years ago

Testing out the new LED lights. Wiring up my solar panels and charge controller. Wiring up LED strip lights for indirect lighting and more.

When I went inside my tiny house to see if the lights work or not, they were already on. The switch was in the on position. The lights work!

This was an exciting moment for the tiny house on wheels.

I ran the wires for the solar charge controller through the wall and connected it to the harbor freight charge controller. Then I went outside and connected the clamps to the batteries.

Next I ran the wires for the solar panels into the tiny cottage and then connected them to the solar panel connections on the charge controller. Then I went outside and connected the solar panels to the wire and I had a charging set of batteries. My tiny house was running on solar.

This is a temporary setup though. I want to build a insulated battery box on the back of the tiny house and put my golf cart batteries back there.

The batteries I am now using for my tiny home will be put in the RV so I have power out there when I need it.

I cleaned out the entire living room of my tiny home. I moved out all of the furniture. Then I disassembled the temporary solar power setup that was on the floor of my tiny house living room. This was the portable solar power system from my bugout survival truck. It was very much in the way all this time but it did provide me with lights and some power while I worked in the tiny house on wheels.

I started putting in indirect lighting in the tiny house living room. I ran some of my homemade paneling up near the ceiling of the living room and then measured and cut some of my LED strip lights to size.

The solar battery bank was low when I tried to solder so I unplugged the soldering iron and left it for the next day.

I have been getting eggs for about three days now. I have not been looking every day but I just found three eggs in the chicken tractor. I dont know which hen is laying but it sure is a good thing finally.

Follow my daily progress on the path to self sufficiency on my off grid solar homestead.

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