Wheelin & Dealin At The Off Grid Homestead

9 years ago

The past few days have been full of deals and discounts for the off grid homestead. I got 174 vegetable plants for my garden at deep discount the other day at Agway. I have been selling and trading small engines and equipment as well.

I sold my gokart a few days ago. Sadly the gas, which was not that old, was full of water. The gas these days is designed to absorb water and go bad on us so that we cannot store it. And we have to continue to dump gas that is only a few months old because it is bad.

So I had to clean the carb and gas tank to get it running again although just two months ago it was running fine.

Then I sold it online.

Next was the Sears Craftsman rototiller. I had to do the same thing. the carb was a mess from the gas from just last season. I kept it out of the weather and the gas still absorbed so much water it messed up the carb.

I cleaned it up and then sold it as well.

I found an 11 HP Briggs and Stratton electric start horizontal shaft engine that was on a water pump. The engine starts and runs well. I got this to put on my log splitter. Now I will be able to really split some logs!!!

I picked up a fine garden tractor for only $20 cash. This is a 7 speed shift on the go garden tractor in good condition. It has a wiring issue which is easy to fix with a jumper wire. I am not sure yet what to do with it. I may either take out the engine for my Sears Craftsman riding mower or keep it as a utility vehicle and retire the old simplicity which has failing brakes. I will figure it out later.

At Agway they had vegetable plants on clearance. I grabbed 174 plants for my garden. This will give me a head start on gardening this year.

I also got two huge hanging cherry tomato plants. These were on clearance for $4 each. They are loaded with nearly ripe tomatoes. Actually as of this writing, some are turning orange already. Vine ripened cherry tomatoes cost about a dollar each in the grocery store. So I figure this is an awesome deal on food for me. Food which will be ripe quite soon.

I also picked up a free Snapper self propelled lawn mower. This is the old style with a real heavy metal mower deck. I hope that it just needs a carb cleanout and then I can use it here for my off grid homestead.

I plan to set up a small engine business on the side this year. I have a good start at it already. I am going to fix up my other lawn mower and sell it.

Follow my daily progress on the path to self sufficiency on my off grid solar homestead.

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