Amazing Sunny Spring Day Tapping Maple Trees & Awesome Off Grid Solar

9 years ago

Saturday was partly cloudy and mild with temperatures in the mid to high 30s. But Monday was amazing with temperatures in the high 40s out here at the off grid homestead.

Saturday I helped my friend move a couple loads of stuff from his apartment. He is getting married in a few days and needed help moving to a larger place to accommodate him and his wife.

Monday was bright, sunny and warm. It was maple tree tapping day for The Off Grid Project.

I tapped the trees that I had marked in the fall. Before the leaves fell off the trees I walked around with an orange ribbon and marked the trees that I want to tap. This way in the spring I can easily identify them with no leaves.

The tree tapping video will be uploaded separately with all the details about how to tap maple trees.

The sun and warmth is bringing with it a lot of slop at the off grid homestead. The snow is melting rapidly and leaving a bunch of water and mud in its wake. We are now entering the muddy season. For a few more weeks everything is going to be all sloppy. I will have to leave my car out somewhere else or I will never get it out of the meadow once the snow is cleared off the ground and leaves the mud behind. Only my 4wd truck will be able to get back here for a while now.

A whole lot of packages arrived on Saturday and Monday. I want to thank everyone who sent something to me.

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