A Working Propane Stove Top In My Tiny House On Wheels O34

9 years ago

I have a working propane stove top in my tiny house on wheels. Sadly due to the attacks I am going through, I did not record any of the installation of the stove. Sorry about that. But it is quite exciting to have a working stove top in my tiny home now.

I can have my morning coffee in the tiny house now. While working in the tiny home it is quite nice to be able to boil up a pot of water on the stove top and have some coffee.

I have the stove professionally hooked up and carefully tested. I will not be showing the details but please believe me when I say it is all quite safe and checked with professionals.

I then checked for leaks using soapy water. You put some soapy water on the threads of each pipe joint and if it bubbles then you have a leak. It is how the pros do it. I have no leaks and the stove is working nicely.

This stove is so much better than the one in the RV. The RV stove top took forever to boil a pot of water. With this stove the water starts to hiss the minute you turn on the burner.

The first time I tried it, I had the camera going. So you can see my nervousness as I tested the stove. I am very careful with propane and therefore you can see that on the video. It does not mean that anything was unsafe, just that I am careful when working with propane. Of course, working with a tiny lighter is not fun at all.

Since this video I have a long lighter and lighting the stove is a breeze.

It sure feels good to have my tiny house stove working.

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