Testing Solar Batteries After 6 Days Away From The Tiny Home

9 years ago

I had left the off grid homestead for 6 days and returned to find cold but full solar batteries. I had turned off all power during my leave so that nothing would drain or hurt my batteries while I was gone.

I did find it a bit on the cold side thought at 29 degrees inside the tiny house on wheels after nearly a week with no heat. My water was frozen solid but I had counted on that and brought fresh water back with me for myself and the animals.

I turned on the inverter and internet modem and the batteries dropped down to 12.4 volts so I fired up the harbor freight 800 watt generator and ran the battery charger while I worked inside the tiny house for the evening.

Within 2 hours it was back up to a cozy 77 degrees inside the tiny home after building up a fire in the wood stove.

A few very nice packages arrived while I was gone and were waiting for me upon my return.

The old forklift battery bank I was working on for off grid home solar power was holding steady at 12.18 volts after sitting for a week. This is not bad considering that they were not fully charged up when I left.

I ran my DC generator for a while to get some charge into them and then let them rest for the night. It will be interesting to see how they look in the morning.

Follow my daily progress on the path to self sufficiency on my off grid solar homestead.

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