Home Cooked Pizza In Antique Tin Oven On Wood Stove

9 years ago

I was so happy making this pizza I am sure you could hear it in my voice. Baking a pizza in my tiny house on the wood stove, using my antique tin oven. This is so cool.

I got some pizza crusts at the grocery store on sale. It was very cheap so I grabbed two packs.

I put on some tomato sauce first. Then some deli cheese ends, also discounted.

Next came some chicken which I put on heavily. I love a loaded pizza.

Next was some broccoli and then some garlic, both also discounted at the store.

Last was some more cheese to cover it all up nicely.

Before I started though, I stoked up the wood stove and put my antique tin oven on top to preheat. This old oven works just like a standard oven only you heat it up with the wood stove.

When the pizza was prepared and ready to go into the oven, the oven was heated up nicely.

I slid in the pizza and waited. The tiny house on wheels started to smell amazing as the pizza heated up and cooked.

This antique tin oven works very well. I am so happy to have found such a deal.

Between 30 and 40 minutes later and I had a very fine hot pizza with gooey melted cheese on top.

It sure was good :)

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